What are the usage fees for Fiveoffices Hosts?

All the information you need about service fees for Hosts.

Publishing on Fiveoffices is free and no-commitment. In case you need any help, our support service is also completely free.

You don’t pay until you’re successful. Then, you only pay once, upon finalising an agreement with a Guest from our platform. Fiveoffices will invoice you, the Host, 10% of the total contract value (without taxes and limited to 24 months).

For example, if your offices are booked by a Guest for a duration of 6 months, all charges included, for 1,000€ per month (without taxes), the service fee for Fiveoffices will be 10% * 1,000 * 6 = 600€.

If your office are booked by a Guest for a duration of 28 months, all charges included, for 1,000€ per month (without taxes), the service fee for Fiveoffices will be 10% * 1,000 * 24 = 2,400€.

Fiveoffices' fees do not include VAT or any other charge that can be added.

Our philosophie is No Cash Out:

Fiveoffices service fees are not due until receipt of your Guest's first payment to you.

If your Guest leaves sooner than expected, don’t panic! We’ll reimburse you for the service fees to Fiveoffices prorated for the period in which they don’t occupy your office. Learn more in our Terms and Conditions.

Our service is entirely free for Guests so that we can guarantee you the best conditions for quickly monetising your unused office space.